Thursday, May 31, 2007

What about the middle finger?

This is interesting. Apparently I must have been exposed to more testosterone in utero because my ring finger is longer than my index finger. I did do well in math during my school years, so I suppose there is some truth to the theory. At least in my case.

But I'm wondering . . . does this also mean I am more boy-like in general? Does it explain my penchant for the Jerky Boys and hatred of chick flicks? My lack of patience in regard to shopping? My preference for dark beer? I'd love to know.


thethinker said...

I was reading that same article the other day after my sister forwarded it to me. My ring finger is also longer than my index finger.

SohoSally said...

hmm... my ring finger is a tiny bit longer, or almost exactly the same size as my index and I always aced those verbal tests...