Friday, May 25, 2007

The Pie

I think I've mentioned that Jim and I have had some bad luck over the past few years. I realize that everyone encounters unfortunate and stressful events, but really. We've had more than our share. Deaths in both of our extended families, various personal and familial medical crises, financial hardships, etc. etc. etc. So it should come as no surprise that my very precious and special 9 year-old dog would be diagnosed with a bone tumor.

But I still can't believe it. ANOTHER problem? Because this dog has had WAY too many health problems in her short and beleaguered life. Maggie's vet files resemble Webster's Unabridged. It's truly ridiculous. Shall we review?

1. Severe allergies starting at age 1
Maggie's allergies cause her to scratch excessively, lick her paws incessantly, and generally be uncomfortable in her own skin. After YEARS of trying everything—countless food trials, an extensive allergy test and subsequent allergy shots (which she eventually became allergic to), making home cooked meals, buying any number of prescription dog foods, frequent bathing, less frequent bathing, and various drugs—we stumbled upon Cyclosporine. It has been a godsend. She's still a bit itchy, but at least the scratching is reduced and Maggie doesn't develop large skin boils thanks to frequent and insidious bacterial skin infections. So, bonus.

2. Brachycephalic syndrome

In short, breathing problems caused by having a squashed face. When Maggie was 2 she had a surgery to reduce her soft palate (which was obstructing her airway) and increase the size of her nostrils. Jim and I refer to this as her "nose job". It helped in a minimal sense. It also set me back about $1800.

3. Giardia

This was a real treat. No idea where she picked it up, but I suspect it happened when I boarded her. We returned home one day (after a trip to the hospital, where Jim had spent the afternoon having a angiogram to diagnose chest pain!!) to find the entire house covered in dog puke and diarrhea. It was literally in every room. On the couch, on the floor, everywhere. Poor pumpkin was a wreck and spent a couple of days at the vet recovering.

4. Countless ear infections

Thanks to the allergies. Please see #1.

5. Torn ACL

Back when she was on a steady diet of prednisone, Maggie decided to jump off the couch and tear her ACL. We later learned that steroids can weaken ligaments and make dogs more prone to such accidents. She made a full recovery, but not before I plunked down $2000 for surgery.

6. Patent ductus arteriosus a.k.a. hole in the heart

So it turns out that Maggie was born with a heart defect that we JUST discovered several months ago. In the past we had seen vets who mentioned a heart murmur, but never told us to investigate it further. So when we were referred to a cardiologist earlier this year
(who knew there were vet cardiologists?), we were shocked to find out about the heart condition. This new vet was amazed that Maggie had lived so long undiagnosed and untreated. He added 2 medications to her list of 3 other prescriptions, and seemed to think she was doing pretty well at her last recheck.

7. Arthritis

I guess this is pretty common in older dogs.

Which brings us to the latest bad news: the bone tumor in her right front leg. Our options are amputation or euthanasia. And I can't imagine putting her though an amputation. The surgery alone would be hard on her, and she's been having trouble managing on three legs thanks to #7.

I'm totally wrecked. I can't believe we have to play God and decide when Maggie is going to be put down. I had plenty of pets growing up, but Maggie is the first dog that was all my own. We've been through a LOT together: numerous moves, a career change, my divorce and subsequent remarriage. Not to mention all the health stuff. It's hard to imagine life without her. She is such a sweet little baby. Despite all of her issues she has always been a joy. So loving and incredibly stoic in the face of hardship. I've spent an insane amount of money keeping her going, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

We've given her loads of nicknames, which I think bespeaks her importance (you know, like how the Inuit have tons of words to describe snow and ice?). Maggie. Magpie. The Pie. Cindy the Cinderblock. The Precious. Maggenfoose. The Raisin. Mags. Margaret. Little Girl. Pumpkin.

We will most likely be scheduling an appointment next weekend to put her down. I can't remember anything I have dreaded more.

1 comment:

RJ said...

I visited your site to use your link to the frivolous celebrity sites (yes, I am becoming more shallow), only to read your tribute to dear Maggie. I am impressed that you composed such a beautiful piece in such a difficult time. Thinking of you guys!!!